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हर खेत पानी के तहत सर्वेक्षित प्रखंडो एवं पंचायतों की सूचि जहाँ वैकल्पिक जल संरचना का निर्माण होना है |- Click here to Download


Identification, delineation, codification and prioritization of watersheds in Bihar State

Conservation of Soil and Water Resources for Sustainable Agricultural Production and Eco restoration.

Awareness creation on sustainable use and conservation of natural resources.

Improving irrigation potential of the state.

Implementation of soil and water conservation activities on watershed basis.

Disseminate information, skills and knowledge on the need for watershed development which would help in capacity building of the stakeholders and promote mass awareness.

To implement overall vision and program of Watershed Development Society.

To prepare Perspective Action Plan in accordance with Watershed Mission's goals & objectives

To support planning, appraisal and implementation of Watershed programs in the State.

To provide co-ordination among - different Departments concerned.

To organize/conduct studies to support, supervision, monitoring and evaluation of Watershed programs.

To increase productivity of rain fed/degraded land through the process of integrated watershed management.


To implement overall vision and program of Watershed Development Society.

To prepare Perspective and State level Action Plan in accordance with Watershed Mission's goals & objectives..

To Organize/conduct base line studies in - different parts of the state (District/Group of Districts) to determine the status of the Watershed management

To provide assistance to Farmers, Farmer's Societies/Cooperative Societies and Association, SHG, NGO'S, State Level Institution as per norms and plans approved by the Watershed development program.

To organize/conduct studies to support, supervision, monitoring and evaluation of Watershed program.

To provide coordination among- different Departments concerned with different aspects of Watershed Development Society.

To evolve appropriate policies planning, appraisal and implementation of Watershed programs in the State of Bihar

To catalyze Agri- Watershed – silviculture, Sericulture growth and related activities, Industrial growth in different parts of Bihar on the principles of ecological sustainability, economic efficiency and social equity.

To undertake programs for employment generation, growth of Watershed based Industries to increase production and export of Watershed produce in both raw and processed forms.

To assist and promote programs aimed at conservation of the environment and natural resources and assist &promote capacity buildings and human resource development.