The Bihar Watershed Development Society (BWDS) is a State level agency constituted under the Directorate of Soil Conservation, Agriculture Department, and Government of Bihar, responsible for planning, implementing and monitoring all Watershed Development programs in the State. Recognizing the importance of Watershed Development as a platform for poverty alleviation, the Bihar Watershed Development Society (BWDS) has been created to give a “Strategic Mission” focus to the program. The mission is intends to provide the required focus, coordination and operational flexibilities in implementation of watershed concepts and approaches in the State. The Bihar Watershed Development Society (BWDS) as a registered Society came into existence on 28th April, 2010. It has been registered under Society Registration Act 21, 1860 vide Registration No. - 301 Dated 28 April - 2010 BWDS.
BWDS was constituted for implementation of IWMP for Watershed Development project – 2008 (Revised edition – 2011) under DoLR, ministry of rural development, GoI.
IWMP is renamed as PMKSY – WD from 2015-16.
The main aims of the BWDS is to improve productive potential of rain fed degraded land through integrated watershed management, to strengthen community based local institutions for promotion of livelihoods & watershed sustainability, and to improve the efficiency of watershed projects through cross learning and incentive mechanism. Also is to accelerate the economic growth rate of agriculture in the less endowed rain fed areas of the State. Moreover, providing a better Economy, Ecology and Equity in the rain fed regions of the state by adopting harmony with ecological principles of development and ensuring sustained transformation of economy and ecology. At watershed level, to achieve higher incomes for farmers, expanded livelihood options for landless, equity in distribution of benefits, community ownership and management, and ecologically sustainable action plan. Enhancing economic growth of village community dependent on watershed by Securing production and farmers' income against climate variability and its risks of drought spells through diversification of crop systems & animal husbandry, and varied livelihood portfolios; efficient water harvesting and retention of rainwater in soil profile; and entitling all project members to ground and surface water resources for life saving irrigation on equitable basis. In a nutshell, improving intensity and productivity of various crops, livestock, fisheries and biomass production systems, integrated farming system through optimal, integrated, sustainable and efficient use of natural resources in project areas. Besides it, BWDS has to perform for landless by recognizing the stake of non-land holding project members, and promoting alternate livelihood opportunities for them. Also, Improving the economic and social conditions of the resource for differently-abled and women in particular through Shared and equitable access to the land, water and biomass resources. Further, supporting UGs with regulatory norms that are institutionalized through the Gram Panchayats. Promotion of simple, easy to use and affordable technologies and practices, that builds upon local knowledge and available materials. Also, Building an ecosystem of enterprises for facilitating efficient scales of operations, access to credit, and market linkages; knowledge sharing; and resource convergence led by vibrant member managed farmers' institutions. Additionally, Ecological restoration and sustainable management of natural resources across the project area through Sustained community action in management of natural resources/assets such as groundwater, soil, community resources, etc. by way of building community organizations like User Groups (UG), and transferring maintenance responsibilities to them.