Implementation of watershed programme for development of rainfed/ degraded areas.
Guide and facilitate district level Implementing Agencies to modernize watershed program.
Facilitate States efforts to usher in conclusive titling system.
Prepare a perspective and strategic plan of watershed development for the state on the basis of plans prepared at the block and district level and indicate implementation strategy and expected outputs/outcomes, financial outlays and approach. BWDS at the central level in the Department for appraisal and clearance.
Establish and maintain a state level data cell from the funds sanctioned to the states, and connect it online with the National Level Data Centre.
Provide technical support to District Watershed Development Units (DWDU) throughout the state.
Approve project Implementing Agencies identified selected by District Level Committee by adopting appropriate objective selection criteria and transparent systems.
Establish monitoring, evaluation and learning systems at various levels (internal and external/ Independent systems.)
Ensure regular and quality on-line monitoring of watershed projects in the state in association with BWDS at the central level and securing feedback by developing partnerships with independent and capable agencies.
Constitute a panel of Independent Institutional Evaluators for all watershed projects within the state, get this panel duly approved by the concerned Nodal Agencies at the central level and ensure that quality evaluations take place on a regular basis.
Prepare State Specific process Guidelines, Technology Manuals etc. in coordination with the Nodal Ministry/ National Rain fed Area Authority (NRAA) and operationalize the same.